
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Can't Wait Wednesday!

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

I am combining CWW with Books From the Backlog hosted by Carole at Carole's Random Life in Books. This will allow me to feature some newly "rediscovered" books, which I plan on reading, alongside a new release.

This week I can't wait for

The Memo
 by Rachel Dodes, Lauren Mechling
Published by Harper Perennial on June 8, 2024
Age/Genres: Adult, Fiction

If you could rewrite your life story, would you dare? That’s the question at the heart of this charming and propulsive debut novel about love, life, and a woman finding herself and what it means to be happy and successful.

Do you ever feel like your life doesn’t measure up to everyone else’s—and wonder if you just didn’t get the memo helping you make the right choices?

Jenny Green dreads her upcoming college reunion. Once top of her class, the thirty-five-year-old finds herself stuck in a life that isn’t the one she expected. Her promising career has flamed out (literally) and her deadbeat boyfriend is cheating on her (again). All her friends seem to have it all figured it out, enjoying glittering lives and careers that she can only envy from the sidelines. Did she just not get the memo they all did?

As it turns out, she didn’t!

When she arrives at her alma mater for the festivities, she receives a text from an unlisted number.

“Jenny please collect your memo.”

Somewhere on campus, a discreet female-led organization provides comprehensive memos to select students, a set of instructions that are a blueprint for success.

The first time around, Jenny didn’t receive hers. Now, she’s being given the second chance she wants—an opportunity to relive her life and make all the right decisions this time around. But at what price?

Smart, addictive, bittersweet, and ultimately triumphant, The Memo will enchant readers of In Five Years and Cassandra in Reverse as well as fans of Emma Straub and Maria Semple.

I saw this cover and was instantly intrigued. I like stories about finding yourself (at whatever age), and I just relate so hard to this idea of not measuring up. The name drops are authors I have enjoyed in the past, and I am eager to learn more about this memo organization. 

The Co-Op
 by Tarah Dewitt
Published by St. Martin's Griffin on May 2, 2023
Age/Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

They say love and construction don't mix.

By that logic, hate and construction may as well be condemned.

LaRynn Lavigne and Deacon Leeds had one short and contentious summer fling when they were teens—certainly nothing to build a foundation on. But a decade later, when their grandmothers have left them with shared ownership of their dilapidated Santa Cruz building, they're thrust back together and have to figure out how to brace up the pieces.

LaRynn has the money, but in order to access her trust, she has to be married.

Deacon has the construction expertise, but lacks the funds.

A deal is struck: Marry for however long it takes to fix up the property, collect a profit, and cut ties.

Thrust into a home without walls, LaRynn and Deacon quickly learn that it's easy to hide behind emotional ones, even in a marriage. But with all the exposure and pitfalls that come with living with the opposite sex (and none of the perks, much to their growing mutual frustration) they'll also have to learn what it means to truly cooperate as a team.

Filled with crackling tension, The Co-op is a steamy second chance romance about restoration and renovation, and uncovering all the things that build character within ourselves. It's about the never-ending construction project that partnership is, and finding enjoyment at every stage.

We subscribed to KU last year because we were able to lock in the old pricing, but since I am only reading a few books a month, it doesn't seem worth renewing with the increase. Because of that, I am trying to read some of those KU books I had on my reading list. I pushed this one to the top since I read LOVED the last two Dewitt books I read. I am hoping I made the right choice because I saw an interview with Dewitt on The Nerd Daily. In the interview, Dewitt mentions that she submitted edits for this book's rerelease and said, "it's a whole new book." So, um, yeah, not sure how this one compares, but I have started it and am really enjoying it. I love second chance romance and the whole fake marriage, house fix up adds to the fun. 

What are you waiting on?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. The Memo sounds really interesting - does it involve time travel?

  2. I've got the new Stephen King story collection and John Grisham's latest on tap to read soon. It is always a treat when a favorite author has a new release, and I get them two weeks in a row!

    As far as backlog titles, I've got Like Happiness by Ursula Villarreal-Moura sitting on my pile. I've had it for a couple months now, but just haven't found the right time. There's a slew of ARCs I need to get through first though haha. It never ends!

    1. I have never read King or Grisham. They are wildly popular, but horror is a no for me. Grisham could work, I just never got around to him. I hope you are able to tackle your backlist at some point.

  3. Rewriting my life story would be interesting. That book sounds good.

    1. That is definitely something meaty to think about.

  4. Neither of these are on my TBR, but they both sound interesting. I'm glad you are enjoying it, Sam. Check out the pricing for a gift subscription. It is usually cheaper and you can gift it to yourself. something I learned to save a bit.

    1. Really? My daughter subscribed when she was reading more, and we share a library, so I benefited. I will have to check out that pricing.

  5. I don't think I would rewrite my life story for fear of ending worse for wear Sam!
