
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Can't Wait Wednesday!

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

I am combining CWW with Books From the Backlog hosted by Carole at Carole's Random Life in Books. This will allow me to feature some newly "rediscovered" books, which I plan on reading, alongside a new release.

This week I can't wait for

One-Star Romance
 by Laura Hankin
Published by Berkley on June 18, 2024
Age/Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

A struggling writer is forced to walk down the aisle at her best friend’s wedding with the man who gave her book a very public one-star rating in this fresh romantic comedy from Laura Hankin.

Natalie and Rob couldn’t have less in common. Nat’s a messy artist, and Rob’s a rigid academic. The only thing they share is their devotion to their respective best friends—who just got engaged. Still, unexpected chemistry has Natalie cautiously optimistic about being maid of honor to Rob’s best man.

Until, minutes before the ceremony, Nat learns that Rob wrote a one-star review of her new novel, which has them both reeling: Nat from imposter syndrome, and Rob over the reason he needed to write it.

When the reception ends, these two opposites hope they’ll never meet again. But, as they slip from their twenties into their thirties, they’re forced together whenever their fast-track best friends celebrate another milestone. Through housewarmings and christenings, life-changing triumphs and failures, Natalie and Rob grapple with their own choices—and how your harshest critic can become your perfectly imperfect match.

After all, even the truest love stories sometimes need a bit of rewriting.

This is an author I have been wanting to read for a while. I remember seeing good buzz for Happy & You Know It (it's on my backlist), but when I saw this book, I thought it would be the perfect place to start.  Between the fun title and the promise of a rom-com, it's pretty much a great fit for me. An academic gives a romance book a one-star rating, and the author and said academic end up being in a wedding party together. It's a great forced proximity situation with shades of enemies to lovers. To me, it seems really promising and I am excited to read it. 

What are you waiting on?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. This sounds like it has a lot of fun elements - now I want to know more about this 1-star review!

    1. I like this spin on the author/reader relationship better than something like Misery.

  2. Well I just love the idea to walk down the aisle on "kind of" your nemesis arm!

  3. This sounds super cute! Hope it's a winner!!

  4. I was offered a copy, but I had too many books. I'm looking forward to your thoughts, Sam! It's an interesting situation.

    1. I didn't request it because I had way too many June ARCs, but I hope to still read it.
