Sunday, February 7, 2021

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

This first week of February came in like a beast. The snowstorm actually DID leave quite a bit of snow. We had 18 - 20 inches. It was no joke. Then work was insanely busy due to all the GameStop business. On our weekly call, my manager was all, "We're part of history", and I told her how they were already developing a movie for Netflix about it. She shared that she would like JLo to play her. ðŸ˜‚ Sorry if I ignored anyone this week, but I was worn out at the end of each day. 

Guess what? My trip is still on. They called me this week to tell me about all the health precautions. I have to get a PCR Covid test. I haven't had one yet, though my mother has had like 12. So, another new experience for me. I am curious about the vaccine too. My sister, brother-in-law, niece's boyfriend, and dad have had one dose, while my sister's father-in-law has had both. My mom's in the trial, so who knows if she had it, but most of my immediate family has started the process. I heard rumors that they might approve the J&J single dose for lower risk groups (like me) as it is not as effective as the double dose vaccines. I would be ok with that. 

My daughter's birthday was Thursday, and we tried to make it sort of special since she was all alone this year. I sent Molly's cupcakes (they're amazing!) and mom sent the lobster roll kit. The kid was pretty happy with it. Sloth liked it all too. The last picture is Sloth lamenting more snow in Chicago. The kid says it snows every time she thinks about going food shopping or to do her laundry. Mother nature is apparently conspiring against her. 

I mentioned to some of you in the replies last week, but I found a hack to get NetGalley Shelf on my Kindle. I was quite happy, because I got approved for another PDF last week. Winning! 

Let's Discuss!
  • Marie shares her blogging insecurities
  • CW put together a great list of Black YA and MG contemporary books
  • Nicole talks tropes and cliches

On the Blog:
  • Monday: #AmReading - Loner, Fat Chance Charlie Vega
  • Tuesday: TTT - Oldies but Goodies
  • Wednesday: CWW - Perfect on Paper, 52 Reasons to Hate My Father
  • Thursday: One Old, One New - Adriana Locke Edition
  • Friday: Five Star Friday - January 2021


This week was a bonanza! I got a great First-to-Read on Amazon, the new Meghan Quinn, which I have had my eye on. Can't beat the price either. Lots of amazing approvals as well, but the new Hitchcock and Ali books are two of my most anticipated releases, so obviously, I was happy dancing when I received those emails. 
What I Read Last Week

I had two DNFs, but as the universe often does, it was balanced out by two 5-star books. Romance for the win this week too! Both my adult romance books were amazing. Fun, heartwarming, swoony -- everything I want to see in my books. 


What I Am Currently Reading

That Swoony Feeling is so hilarious, and I love Brig so much! 

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Oh my that second pic! Wow. And I'm glad to hear your trip is still on! that's great news. I thought we got a lot of snow but you've definitely got us beat. We didn't get THAT much. the Fed Ex truck got stuck in our road though... the middle had too much snow and they tried barreling through...

    Some great looking books as always! I love the look of so many of those contemps.

    1. The one thing they do well where I live is clear the roads. I am lucky to be located near a highway and a well used road. I heard there's another 6-8 for today. EEK!

  2. That's great that several family members are getting the vaccine. My husband and my mom both got their second doses this week. It's such a relief. I'm sure it will be a long while before I'm eligible but I'm glad they're taken care of. Love the Sloth pictures so much. :) I just loved Brig. So clueless but such a lovable sweetheart. :)

    1. How are they doing? I heard the second dose can make you feel poorly. Brig is precious. I adore him.

    2. Both are doing fine. Sore arm, same as the first does, but no other symptoms. :)

  3. I thought the PCR Covid test would be a lot more uncomfortable than it was it. Not saying that it was comfortable, but not as bad as I was expecting it to be. Those cupcakes look so good!

    Happy readings!
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. We have the nasal and spit test available. Not sure what I will get, but I have to get one. Molly's was actually on a show called Cupcake Wars. They specialize in filled cupcakes, which are my faves. We don't have anything like that near me since Crumbs closed.

  4. I think the only one in my circle that I know got the vaccine is my stepsister as she's in the hospital environment. I want to say maybe an aunt and uncle got the first one...but I can't remember. I know I'm just bottom slush in the priority line, so I suspect maybe in the summer I'll get it? I take my precautions every time I go out and have stayed healthy through this all, minus a head cold or two. So I feel pretty okay with waiting. It's just more of a matter of where I can get it at...I never did the adult thing and found a primary doctor as I was trying to find a doctor who treats my condition in adults, as apparently they think you only have it when you're a kid and it magically vanishes once you're a legal adult. *eyeroll*

    Nice new reads! New to me ones as usual, but hope you enjoy them all (as usual!)!!

    Thanks for visiting my StS!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I feel like if you have any sort of conditions, a primary doctor is important, but I am older than you and use a medical group (I hate doctors). Like you, I am the bottom of the list too, and am happy to stay there so they can protect those in higher risk groups and those front-line workers.

  5. Happy birthday to your daughter! Those pet videos are hilarious.

  6. Yay for your trip still being on! And that gamestop stuff was just crazy! I'm glad your daughter was able to get your presents and enjoy them. Hopefully next year life will be back to normal!

    1. I used a food delivery service, and I didn't realize you had to tell them to ring the bell. They messaged me asking me to come down (I asked for the food to be handed to her, not left on the steps outside), and I had to call her. Obviously, I don't order from these services often.

  7. I signed up for the vaccine here in my place. We won't get them until June or July I think kind of disappointing with how things are going here. But still glad that my city is quite ahead with the rest of the country.
    The foods are looking good (especially with Sloth in the photo with them!!). Covid birthday suck but we gotta do what we need to do to stay safe. Hope you'll have a great week ahead, Sam!

    1. I probably won't be eligible for a long while either, but at least my loved ones who are in high risk groups are getting vaccinated. I always adore the kid's Sloth pictures. She has a knack for stuffed animal pics.

  8. Nice that you're working from home with that weather! I saw that cat video last week and I was amazed! Animals are so smart and protective! I guess the dog has been watching parkour, lol!

    I'm even more excited about the new Roni Loren after seeing your 5 stars.

    1. Parkour was the first thing that popped into my head too. I loved the Loren book. It was funny and sweet and touching. As always, the drama made me roll my eyes, but that seems to be my reaction with every romance I read. That's why I can let it go and focus on the other parts, and the book just filled me to the brim with happiness.

  9. I had no idea you worked for that company Sam! And it's great that you still could make your daughter's day a little bit special. Now these animal videos are incredible LOL
    And last but not least, amazing news about your trip!!!

    1. I don't work for Robin Hood, but all brokerages had a lot of issues with the GameStop debacle.

  10. We had about 6-7 inches here - further south of me though I heard got quite a bit more. Now it's way too cold!

    1. It actually got warmer after the noreaster came through. It was sunny, no wind, but there was a lot of snow to clear, and now we have a bunch more accumulating as we speak.

  11. I hope you get to do your trip! I'm sure it will be a surreal experience, but as long as people comply with the Covid regulations, you'll finally get to have a little outdoor fun after so many months...I also hope you'll be called in for the vaccine soon. Nothing still on my end - it will be months before I can (hopefully) be eligible.

    The sloth pics are really funny. Glad to hear your kid enjoyed her birthday, despite the isolation.

    That cat is awesome and that dog...should enroll in the Olympics 😂.

    1. The Grand Canyon is big, so we should have plenty of space. The vacationista told me how we would be distanced in our family "pods", and it's Disney, who are always all about keeping things really top notch and clean and whatnot. I have faith in them. I am a low priority for the vaccine, but I am ok with waiting as long as they take care of our higher risk groups.

  12. Wow, 18-20 inches?! That's so much snow! I thought when I was in Colorado last October for a weekend and we got 12-14 inches that was a lot. We've got about an inch or two here where I live over the weekend, but worse than the snow is how cold it is getting! Which means the snow will be around for a while. I loved Brig in That Swoony Feeling. Can't wait to read the Wedding Game, but just need time, and it may have to wait until the original scheduled post I had at the end of this month. Thanks for visiting my Weekly post earlier!

    1. It was a lot. They spend three days clearing snow in my complex, and they brought in dump trucks to take the snow out, because there as nowhere to put it. I think I am reading the Quinn book next week. I am into my March releases right now, and I am looking forward to some fun romance.

  13. I couldn't believe all the snow we got! And how much we're getting today, too! It's going to stick around for months. Happy birthday to your daughter - I would love to have lobster rolls and cupcakes delivered to me!

    1. The snow has really been coming down for the past few hours. I think we already got the 6 inches. I would like anything delivered to me. I never get anything good in the mail.

  14. Oh wow, I don't know anyone personally who's had the vaccine yet, but we're all on the list! I hope you get to go on your trip! I hope you enjoy all of your new reads! And please don't freeze XD

    1. I am surprised. Many of my mom's friends in FL have been vaccinated. I only leave the house one day a week, so I can keep pretty warm. Oddly enough, I went out to Target for the 8am opening yesterday. The temperature was 28°, but it was sunny and felt ok.

  15. Happy birthday to your daughter! My mom got her first dose of the vaccine. If I go back to work fulltime, I might be able to get mine early. I think my state considers park rangers essential workers. I’m not sure. I’m more than ready for my shot, even if it hurts. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Glad your mom was able to get the vaccine. My brother-in-law and my niece's BF are both in healthcare and my sister is a teacher, that's why they were able to be prioritized. I heard the first one hurts a bit, but the second has been reported to make people feel a bit ill. Well worth the risk in my opinion.

  16. Sounds like your daughter did have a special birthday (giving the situation) cupcakes always make events special :)

    1. Wish I was closer, so I could share the cupcakes. Molly's are so good!

  17. I feel bad complaining about the snow we had in the last week maybe six inches at a push, it’s started snowing again tonight but I’ve never had snow like that ever!

    My husband got his first vaccine yesterday, the Astra Zeneca one, his arm was sore last night but thankfully no side effects. I don’t know if the J & J one has been approved here yet but it has been in the news.

    Have a lovely week.

    1. We got another 6-8 this afternoon. At least they took out the snow from earlier in the week via trucks, so we had space for the new snow. They were talking about emergency approval for J&J here for lower risk groups. It's about as effective as a flu shot (66%). I think my father had Moderna and my sister had Pfizer.

  18. That's great that so many of your family members have started getting vaccinated. My in-laws just got their first doses yesterday so we're all breathing a sigh of relief as they're the most vulnerable members of our family. Glad to hear you and your mom were able to make your daughter's birthday special even from a distance. :)

    1. Two are in healthcare and my sister is a teacher, that's why we have so many. The others are over 70 or in a nursing home. I am very happy my dad has received his first dose. With the damage from the lung cancer and his age, it's a big risk for him.

  19. Woah, that's a lot of snow!! Two of my grandparents got the first dose of the vaccine. I'm hoping people in my immediate family can get it soon. We'll see how it goes. Sorry about the two DNFs, but yay for lots of fun new books.


    1. DNFs are part of the reading experience. Can't always be right about what you pick. Glad some of your family is getting vaccinated. I hope you all can get it in the near future.

  20. OOoo a lobster roll kit? I'm going to look into that!

    I'm happy to see you liked Yes and I Love You!

    1. Gold Belly shipping is no joke ($45), but since it was a special occasion, my mom did it. The kid said it was good.

  21. My brother in Wisconsin also had quite the snow storm! Glad you all were safe through it. Our week was pretty fun as we were both off work to get our new puppy acclimated to our life. He's already doing so great in his training, but boy did I forget how much energy a young pup can have. This week the real test begins as we head back to work. Wish us luck!

    1. With not having the leave the house for work, I really don't fear the weather other than possible power outages. Yes! Pups are just about as much work as a new born. Glad the training is going well.

  22. So many of my friends and family have already had the vaccine starting back in December....a lot are doctors, nurses, police, fire and a few that are over 70. So far the majority of them have done great and quite a few have gotten their second doses already. :) Thinking all the happy thoughts for you and your test! And I keep seeing Staci Hart books everywhere lately but I haven't picked one up yet, but 3.5 stars ehhhh idk, I may just keep waiting. So happy your trip is still on!
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. I liked Hart's book. I listened to it, and it entertained me, but there were a few things that could have been better. I know I will listen to more of the audiobooks.

  23. You find the best animal content on the web! I just love that dog jumping over the gate and the cat "parenting". I am sorry about the snow. Winter is such a pain sometimes. I am glad that the trip is still on and yay for a lot of your family receiving their vaccines. I am glad that your daughter (and sloth) had a nice birthday. I hope you have a great week and enjoy your new books.

    1. Animal videos are my only reason for going to social media. Everything else makes me nuts.

  24. Happy birthday to Molly 🥳

    I love the cat video, that’s a very good kitty!

    Wishing you a great reading week

  25. We're about to get hit with snow and freezing rain and wind chills. Nowhere close to what you got but I'm not used to it so I'll be curling in a ball and hiding lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Hope you are able to keep warm and the ice doesn't cause too many problems. You know people forget how to drive when there is precipitation
