Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: California, Here We Come!

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

California, Here We Come!

This year, I embarked on a challenge to Read All 50 States, and what I have been noticing is that I read A LOT of books set in California. This week, I am sharing some books I read this year, which are set in California.

Into the Bright Unknown
Rae Carson
Series: The Gold Seer Trilogy, #3
Publisher: Greenwillow Books

It amazed me how much I loved this series, because I don't read a lot of fantasy or historical fiction, but when Carson combined the two, it was a win for me. I really enjoyed visiting the Gold Rush with Carson.

Far From the Tree
Robin Benway
Series: n/a
Publisher: HarperTeen

This book made my heart grow three sizes. It was so inspiring, heartwarming, and wonderful. This was my gateway Benway book, and I swear, I will read them all.

Going Places
Kathryn Berla
Series: n/a
Publisher: Amberjack Publishing

This is my second Berla book, and I have to say, she knows how to write a book that tugs at my heartstrings. I really loved being able to accompany Hudson on his journey, as he took a crooked path in trying to find his way back from his grief and towards his future.

Starry Eyes
Jenn Bennett
Series: n/a
Publisher: Simon Pulse

Jenn Bennett really knows how to write a YA contemporary. This book left me so happy and full of joy. Great characters, fantastic romance, fabulous family, and a beautiful California setting all combine to deliver an amazing reading experience for me.

The Summer of Jordi Perez
Amy Spaulding
Series: n/a
Publisher: Sky Pony Press

This was a really fun and sweet romance. I had such a great time traversing LA, sampling burgers, and watching the romance between Abby and Jordi unfold.

Lola and The Boy Next Door
Stephanie Perkins
Series: Anna and the French Kiss, #2
Publisher: Dutton Books

This was not my favorite book of the series, but it was still great. I loved Cricket and Lola's dads, as well as the San Francisco setting. This book charmed me with its story of friendship, family, and forgiveness.

Emmy & Oliver
Robin Benway
Series: n/a
Publisher: HarperTeen

Yes, Benway again, and this time she takes us to the beach in this beautiful story which was packed with friendship and love. I just couldn't get enough of this on.

Listen to Your Heart
Kasie West
Series: n/a
Publisher: Point

KWest is one of my favorite authors, and she made me happy once again with this book. As always, cute romance, great friends, and awesome family, but also a fabulous lake setting.

Things We Know by Heart
Jessi Kirby
Series: n/a
Publisher: HarperTeen

My emotions! My emotions! This book really had all the things I love in a book. It was so painful and beautiful, and I totally fell in love with both Colton and Quinn.

In Search of Us
Ava Dellaira
Series: n/a
Publisher: Farrar, Straus & Giroux

Another book set in LA, and we did hit some of the most popular spots as Marilyn fell in love, and Angie found herself. This was a an utterly exquisite experience for me. This book was fraught with emotion and meaning and so many wonderful characters to love. It tugged on my heartstrings, and made me weep, but it also made me smile.

Have you read any great books set in California?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. California is definitely a popular YA setting!! I loved the setting of Lola!! It totally went with the book. Also, Emmy & Oliver because of the surfing. FAR FROM THE TREE is definitely on my SOON list bc of Emmy & Oliver!!

    1. It's interesting to see how the books cluster in certain states (cities even). Emmy & Oliver as well as Things We Know by Heart featured Cali beaches and surfing. And oh my! Benway is incredible!

  2. I NEED to read Starry Eyes, it looks fabulous. And Jessi Kirby's book too, I keep forgetting about that one.

    1. Gaaahhh! Bennett's books are just so wonderful! I highly recommend her books.

  3. Start Eyes and In Search of Us are two that I would really like to read!

    1. Both were amazing. In Search of Us made me really emotional, but it was a beautiful kind of emotional experience.

  4. Oh what a great list! Loved Starry Eyes, Emmy &Oliver, Far from the Tree and Lola! I would love to actually get back to California but for now the books will be good enough!

    1. I have not been to California in about a decade, but I aspire to attend YallWest someday.

  5. I really enjoyed Lola. I still need to read Far From the Tree and Starry Eyes though. Definitely a lot of books set in Cali. :)


    1. Go! Run! Read those books! I swear, you won't be disappointed.

  6. I don’t track where the books I read are set, but California does seem like a popular setting. I have Far From The Tree on my TBR shelf, so I’m glad you liked it.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. It's pretty eye opening when you start keeping track. Far From the Tree was all sorts of wonderful. I hope you get to it soon.

  7. The Summer of Jordi Perez is on my TBR. I'm glad you liked it so much.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you.

    1. Jordi was just a sweet F/F romance. I love a coming out story, but I also love see already out stories, and that's what we got with Jordi.

  8. I find that unless it’s a truly important part of the overall story, I don’t pay a lot of attention to setting. (I’m all about those characters! :) But when I think about it, I’ve also read a lot of books with a California setting. And it just so happens that the two by Robin Benway on your list are among my favorites! :)

    1. I love when an author features the setting and integrates it into the story, because I get to "visit" that place.

  9. This is so interesting! I've never made a list of all the places the books I read take place in. Though I read more paranormal books that are usually set in fictitious lands so I don't think the list would be very long :)

    1. Since I read almost only contemporaries, I am always curious as to where the book is set.

  10. I very rarely notice when books are set in my own state. I think I just have a blind spot. Funny enough, the last book I read was The Way You Make Me Feel, set in L.A., so I did notice that (of course I did, the setting is very important).

    1. Not every contemporary author really brings you into the setting, but I agree, Goo took us into the food truck culture in LA, and I thought that was fun.

  11. Lola and The Boy Next Door was one I really enjoyed! I hopefully will be getting my hands on Things We Know By Heart and also Starry Eyes in my new future :D

    1. I hope you get your hands on them too, because they were ah-mazing reads for me.

  12. I really need to start in on the Gold Seer Trilogy! Great list. :)

    1. Carson did such an incredible job blending history and fantasy in that book. Loved it!

  13. This is such an great take! I have to think about my list, but I suspect it would be the UK, for which i totally have a thing for it right now. I love these covers too — the bright and cheerful ones made me smile!

    1. I am also tracking books set outside the US, and the top three places are Ireland, England, and Australia. I toured Ireland, so it's fun to "see" familiar places there, but I have only been to London and never to Australia, which makes those settings even better for me.

  14. So far I've only read Far from the Tree and Starry Eyes from this list, but I love books set in California so I can see myself reading all of these at some point.

    1. You are in luck, because so many books are set in California.

  15. Love this list and your spin on things. And you get triple points for getting California stuck in my head. RIGHT BACK WHERE WE STARTED FROM! (But seriously, I'm into it.)

    1. I get made at my work neighbor for planting earwigs in my head all the time, but I am totally guilty of it.

  16. I like that both those books really utilize the setting and let us learn about that place. The lake, the mountains, etc, it was fun getting to "see" it all.

  17. I sadly haven't read any of these and also have never been to California. I might need to change this soon!

    1. I have only been to Hollywood and Disneykand, so I especially love books set in Northern California.

  18. I live in California and I love reading about books set in the area where I live! Melissa de la Cruz's Something in Between is set in SoCal and some of the scenes actually are set a few miles from my house! LOL I thought it was sooo cool! :)

    1. I am trash for when I recognize a place in a book, so I can understand your excitement seeing your home in Something in Between. I was over the moon reading My So-Called Bollywood Life, because the author set it in Central Jersey (yes, we are a real place), and one of the places she talked about is walking distance from my house. It just adds to the fun.
