Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Tell Me Something Tuesday: But Am I Rushing to Read It?

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where we discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging.

This Week’s Topic: But Am I Rushing to Read It?

This week's topic has to do with those HOT releases that everyone is talking about and dying to get your hands on. I know I will claim to NEED the book, and oh, what I wouldn't do to get my hands on the book, but how often do I start reading the book the day it hits the shelf?

The answer, my friends, is NEVER. 

I am always amazed, when I see a million GoodReads statuses showing people reading a book on its release day, but not me. I don't pre-order, nor do I rush out to the store to purchase my copy of any book on release day. As excited as I am about some releases, I am never reading it on release day. 
  1. I establish a weekly TBR, and really only stray from it if a library hold comes through. 
  2. I have a BILLION books, and am on a strict book buying ban. I really only buy books that are on sale or part of a series I am already reading. 
  3. If the book is THAT major, the library will get a copy, and I can put my name on the hold list. 

Now it's your turn!

Are you rushing to read books on release day? 
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Nope, not usually. On a couple of occasions, when it was a sequel in a series I absolutely love, I have preordered the ebook and started reading it that day. Otherwise, nah. And like you said, if it's popular, the library will probably get it, and I can save money :-)

    1. I have pre-ordered a handful of ebooks in the past, but only because they were being offered at a discount. However, they sat on my kindle for a while before I read them.

  2. Pretty much never is the answer for me too. As much as I would love to, I'm usually too backed up on review books to drop everything and read a book the day it comes out, no matter how much I've been dying to get my hands on said new book.

    1. Me too! I feel like I read a lot, but still am backed up. But even before I was blogging, I never rushed out to get a book. I think it's just not part of my personality.

  3. Also pretty much never! I only pre-order books from one or two authors. I will often put myself on a wait list at the library before the book comes out, but even then I'm not the first person to get it.

    1. One of the things I love on Overdrive, is that if my library buys a book I recommended, they automatically add me to the waitlist. I am all about borrowing books, because I would be book-poor if I didn't.

  4. I don't really ever read a book when it is exactly released. Unless I have a review book and that is when I get to it. I preordered Obsidio because I needed the physical copy to read but still haven't gotten to it!! Too many books! Otherwise I also use the elibrary.

    1. I know. Obsidio sat on my book stack for two weeks before I got to it, and I was really excited about that one. Honestly, if I hadn't gone to the store event, it probably would have been longer before I bought it.

  5. I think I started reading Turtles All The Way Down on release day? Or close to release day. I don’t remember. I currently have 2 books preordered, but I’m usually not in a massive hurry to get new releases. I’d rather wait for cheap used copies to show up online or in used bookstores.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. If I can't get a DRC or get the book from the library, I wait for sales too. Turtles was the book that popped into my head when I saw this topic. I feel like it was really hyped partly because it had been so long since JG released a new book.

  6. I can't plan on my TBRs like you do because I'm a mood reader. I don't always immediately read but if I'm excited enough for it, I will!

    1. I am a mood reader too, but with all the DRCs I have, I need to discipline myself a little. Though, I have bumped books from my weekly TBR, when an approval for something I was dying to read came through.

  7. Ooh, this is an interesting topic. Before I started blogging, I used to ALWAYS read new release on release day and rush to the bookstore to buy them the day they came out. Now, I don't do it very often, unless I preorder the book (I only preorder, like, four books a year) and when it arrives I'm not reading anything else.

    1. I thought, maybe I don't have that urge, because as bloggers, we are lucky and get a lot of books before they are released, but I thought about it, and I never did that. The only time I pre-ordered was when there was an incentive and usually, those were books my daughter wanted me to pre-order.

  8. This is a million percent me. I'm always amazed by all these people who are reading a book when the hype is at its peak, I typically don't read a book until it's been collecting dust on my shelves for a while. The only way to get me to read a book fairly close to its release date (that's not an ARC) is when I get a library copy because I have a strict timeline of when it needs to be turned back in.

    1. If I don't get it as a review book, I do wait a while to read hyped books. I can rely on the library to get the HUGE books. Why buy when I can borrow?

  9. I'm a mood reader so, as much as I would love to, I can't stick to a weekly TBR list. Most, if not all, of the books I read are eBooks so if a book releases and I'm in the mood for that specific type of book I'll start on it at my next earliest convenience. If that doesn't happen, I'll put it on my yearly TBR list, so that when I'm looking for something to read I'll skim down the list and see what catches my eye.

    1. I am a mood reader as well, but I am doing fairly well with my weekly TBRs. Those people with the monthly TBRs amaze me. The skimming thing you do, I do that every week, when I select my 4 books for my TBR. Sometimes they are by released date, but sometimes I just want to read a certain kind of book. So, really similar to what you do.

  10. I like to buy books when I can, but I rarely ever pre-order, so I'm not usually holding the book on the day it comes out. Also, I prioritize review books so even if I buy a book around the time it comes out, I probably won't be reading it for awhile. This is a reason I'm trying to focus on more backlist books this year because I own so many books that I just never read. LOL


    1. I also prioritize review books, but like you, I am trying to beat the backlist, and have been requesting less books.

  11. I would say that I started reading books right away quite often before I started reviewing. Now I am so busy keeping up with review books, I don't even think about stopping to read a new release. There are some review books that I will stop everything and start reading right away. I would probably still read a new release right away and pre-order it if I was excited enough and unable to get an early copy.

    1. I haven't stopped reading a book, but I have bumped a book from the weekly TBR when something I am so excited about comes through either via an approval or library loan.

  12. Occasionally I do, but it's super rare. Most of my pre-orders sit on my shelf for 8 years. Most of them are STILL there hah. The exception is if it is a series, and I am worried that spoilers will be everywhere. Then I get to it sooner for sure. Also impressed with this weekly TBR you speak of. I am about to go read, and I have no idea what it will be haha.

    1. You never fail to make me laugh. Thank you! 8 years, that's a long time. I totally understand the series thing. People are terrible and don't get the whole spoiler thing, and now they have Twitter, Instagram, GR, FB, Tumbler, and blogs which they can use to spread their spoilers. You're not safe anywhere!

  13. Very, very rarely do I read anything or get anything on release day. I prefer to see the reviews first before I make a decision. Been burned way too many times when I rush in and buy something to quickly.

    1. I like to wait out hyped books too, unless the book is part of a series, for the same reason. I am more likely to take a chance if I can get it for free (borrow, library), but I am really particular about the books I buy.

  14. I don't think I've started reading a book at the midnight release since the 7th Harry Potter. I am also one of those people who will be like: I NEED THIS BOOK RIGHT THIS SECOND-- and then after it comes out wait a full year to read it (if ever). I'm terrible.

    1. My sister used to go to those midnight parties, but I never had the yearning to do so. I did got to the CoHF release event, but I didn't read the book for months after.

  15. I rarely buy books on the release day, and honestly, when I take into consideration the release day books I've bought over the last year, almost all of them are still sitting on my shelf unread. Like you, I try to focus on the books I already have (the amount of unread books I already have is all kinds of alarming, I don't even want to admit how many bookcases I have packed lol), and I rely on my library's online collection (they basically get just about everything).

    1. I am so shocked that most of us do not rush out to get the hot releases. I thought I was in the minority, but it seems I am in good company.

  16. Oh this is such a great discussion. I never read books on their release day, let alone actually manage to GET them on release day hahaha - even if I pre-order the book, it never comes before the book has been released, usually it comes about a week later or so on. I pre-ordered Emergency Contact for instance, which was released on the 27th and I am still waiting for my copy haha. I am also, just like you, on a book buying ban - or not really, but I really keep control of my book-buying-habits and budget and everything else that way, so... I can't remember if I ever read a book on its release day aha :)
    Great post! :)

    1. I know it's harder for you to get US releases, so I like getting your input on this. I am surprised that you don't get pre-orders by release date. I have been on a book buying ban for a while, and am doing really well. I won two Amazon cards and a B&N card. I can order using those funds, but that's it.

  17. The times I’m reading a book on release day is virtually never. And there’s one (rather ridiculous) reason for that: I’m all about delayed gratification. I told you it was ridiculous. Even when I’ve pre-ordered a book from an absolute favorite author (Colleen Hoover, Jennifer Armentrout, etc) I won’t read it immediately. I enjoy the anticipation too much. I like having it, knowing I *could* read it at any moment, but I relish the anticipation to a crazy extent. I never claimed to be normal... :)

    1. I have sat on series enders because I was worried about how they would end or didn't want to say goodbye to the world, but I never quite thought of the delayed gratification angle. I do get it though. The build up. I hope they all lived up to the hype in your mind.

  18. I rarely buy books either. I am really luck that between the library, review books, and my own shelf, I have a TON of reading material. I don't feel that motivated to read a huge release that I didn't get as a review book either, because everyone will be reviewing it, and I don't want to get lost in the crowd. I would rather lavish my love and attention of a book that is not getting as much hype.

  19. This is an interesting post! I am definitely one who DOES NOT read on release day, save for A FEW books. Most of the time, I run away from hyped books and tend to read when the hype dies down. :)

    1. I either like to read the hyped book as a review copy (if I am lucky enough to get it) or wait until a bit after for the same reason as you. I almost feel like people expect so much more from the book around release day than they would if they read it at some other time.

  20. Being an international reader, newly released books reach my country only after several weeks or a couple of months even. But even though I could purchase through Kindle, I don't immediately purchase one, especially when it's a series! It gets difficult to catch up to the story by then because I'd be reading other books while waiting for the next book to come out, leaving me to forget what the story is about.

    1. I sometimes like being late to the party when it comes to series, because then I can wait for them to be finished and binge read.

  21. I am on the same strict not buying policy I am running out of room. I use my hold list library a lot.

    1. My library is such an awesome resource. I would have even more books available to me if I used the physical library and not just he online one, but the responsibility of returning books may be the one thing that puts me over the edge.

  22. My TBR is so out of control, so no. I even have an ARC of a book I am/was super excited about still sitting unread on my nightstand and it released over a month ago now. Oops, haha. I will read it eventually, and I for sure have the got-to-have-it-right-NOW disease!

    1. I had a bunch of highly anticipated release ARCs sitting unread. I did a little spree at the end of last year, and have been a lot better this year. I am more reluctant to read my physical ARCs, but we won't be able to attend BEA/BookCon this year, so unless I win more GR giveaways, there will be no more physical ARCs.

  23. Wow, that's some brutal book buying logic. I wish I could say I am that strict but not every book I want to read will make it over here to be published in the UK and if that's the case I sometimes treat myself to a physical copy (for those books with a truly pretty cover or one from an author I adore) or I invest in an ebook copy if that's selling for a good price. It's probably why my TBR is so out of control I know. I do preorder, but only for books I know I'm going to want to read. Sometimes that's as soon as it drops through the door and sometimes that's a year later. Either way, it's getting read.

    I can't stick to a reading list. I just go with my whims because I am such a mood reader. If I'm not into a book it will not get finished. I can try and force myself but then all that happens is I don't want to read and I risk a reading slump. My brain, like me, does not like being told what to do. It's amazing I've managed to keep a job for so long.

    1. It's so funny that you are lamenting not being able to get all the US releases because there are so many UK/Australian releases I want to read, but cannot get ebooks for them. When I am not feeling my weekly TBR, I switch it up. I don't feel like I HAVE to read those books, but it's good for me to have a little guidance on what to read next. It's good that you are committed to reading your own books. I get too distracted by new books, but I am trying. Isn't acknowledging you have a problem the first step. XD

  24. Lol, I'm exactly the same. I NEED IT NOW but I never actually read it the day I get my hands on it... Or I rarely do. There are a few I've pounced on immediately but they're so few I remember them with crystal clarity (like Last Sacrifice - Richelle Mead). :)

    1. I think I use the phrase "I must have it" in much the same way that I "love" everything. The only book I bought on release day was CoHF at midnight, because we went to an event and were able to get it signed.

  25. The only books I have ever ran out to get on publishing day were Harry Potter books and Inkworld books, but those were for my son when he was in middle school and high school. I did preorder The Cursed Child, and I read it right away, but only because I was doing a buddy read and tandem review with another blogger and a discussion post. I have highly anticipateds that are still on my tbr from three or four years ago. Ha ha. 📚

    1. My sister used to do the midnight parties for HP, so I know that's a fandom with a ton of enthusiasm. I keep a list of the books I put on my CWW and anticipated releases posts. If I get the book, I highlight it grey. When I read it, I highlight it green. Uh, lots of grey still there. Eeek!

  26. I kind of never do that either. Because basically, I have too many backlist books on my TBR that have been there longer, or review copies to get to, or I get distracted xD I did read Children of Blood and Bone right away :D

    1. Children of Blood and Bone was a really hot book. I heard it was great!

  27. I think the last time i read a book on release day was for Breaking Dawn...i rushed out to the midnight release party *hides* so embarrassing!

    I get super pumped for a lot of books, but now that you mention it....I don't read on release day.

    Great post!

    1. Well, that was quite a while ago. =)

      I am just not a drop everything sort of person, so it's not shocking that I don't run out to grab a book on release day. But way back when, I remember standing in line to get CDs when they released. You know, teen me had some passion.

  28. I have this issue too. I either read a book BEFORE release or I end up waiting FOREVER. So weird, right?

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I cringe when I think of the number of eARCs I have months and months before their release (I think I have a few 2019s already), and then I don't read them until release month or later. I am a FAILURE!
