Friday, April 27, 2018

Review: Royals - Rachel Hawkins

Rachel Hawkins
Series: Royals, #1
Age/Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Meet Daisy Winters. She’s an offbeat sixteen-year-old Floridian with mermaid-red hair; a part time job at a bootleg Walmart, and a perfect older sister who’s nearly engaged to the Crown Prince of Scotland. Daisy has no desire to live in the spotlight, but relentless tabloid attention forces her to join Ellie at the relative seclusion of the castle across the pond.

While the dashing young Miles has been appointed to teach Daisy the ropes of being regal, the prince’s roguish younger brother kicks up scandal wherever he goes, and tries his best to take Daisy along for the ride. The crown–and the intriguing Miles–might be trying to make Daisy into a lady . . . but Daisy may just rewrite the royal rulebook to suit herself.
I am not a royal watcher, but I am a fan of Rachel Hawkins' books. Her previous work has been mostly paranormal. Therefore, I was surprised when I learned she would be writing a contemporary romance. No need to worry! There may be no supernatural elements in this book, but it still was fairly magical for me.

Tell Me Five Things

If I were forced to tell you only five things about this book, they would be the following:
  1. Humor - This book was chockfull of Hawkins' signature humor and wit. I was constantly laughing or smiling, and it made me realize how much I missed reading books by her. 
  2. Characters - What an awesome bunch of characters Hawkins assembled for us in the book! There was a wide array of personalities portrayed in this book, and I thought it was fabulous, that Hawkins included some satirical blue bloods as well. It just added to the royal fun.
  3. Setting - Once again, I travelled outside the US, and ended up in Scotland. Hawkins did a good job of taking us inside and outside the castle, allowing us to attend a ball, a horse race, and a polo match, among other things. She even wove little bits of history in there for added enjoyment. 
  4. Format - There were these blog posts, interviews, and articles dispersed throughout the book, which were often quite hilarious. The blog posts were probably my favorite, because they were so over the top. 
  5. Romance - The romance! There were several romances embedded in this story, and each was quite sweet and endearing in its own way, but Daisy's romance was my favorite (of course). 
Royals had a fun premise, some great low-grade drama, and laughs galore. I really hope there will be more books, because I love Hawkins' look inside the Royal world.

 **ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

Two other books, which I loved, came to mind as I was reading Royals. They also dealt with one sister joining a royal family and the effects on the other sister.

Are you a "royal" watcher?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I'm excited for this one! It just recently came on my radar but I LOVE any contemporary settings that deal with royals (your two recommendations are books I really loved!) However I do worry about this one reading on the younger YA side since the cover gives off a younger vibe...

    -Cristina @ Girl in the Pages

    1. This one matches the mood of Prince. Lots of humor and focusing on how the royal engagement affects the family.

  2. I was kind of on the fence about this one but now I think I will definitely check it out! I love the setting and look forward to this humor!

    1. If you are looking for something with really witty humor and light drama, you would enjoy this.

  3. This book looks great! I have to put this one on my TBR list. I love a good humor book. Also, I enjoy the idea of going to Scottland! Great review!

    1. I liked that Hawkins took us around Scotland via all the events the characters attending. I always like to get a feel for the setting, when I read a book, especially when it is set somewhere I haven't been.

  4. This sounds so cute! I love books about royals, and the Scottish setting is so fun! I also loved The Royal We and am planning to read Prince in Disguise soon!

    1. It was my kind of humor. Witty and sometimes snarky. I found it to be a lot of fun, and it was along the same lines as Prince, which I also loved.

  5. I've seen this book everywhere and I've seen so many great reviews. I'm still not sure it's my type of book, but reviews like this are definitely helping me lean more towards yes I need to read this.
    Great review!

    1. It's a super fun story with a touch of drama, told with a lot of humor. I love books like this, and really needed it after reading like three heavy books in a row.

  6. I liked her first series better than her second but I just might try this!!
    Jen Ryland Reviews

    1. And I just remembered my other issue. Is the "dashing young Miles" the same person as "the roguish younger brother?" The synopsis is worded unclearly and I am not really up for a royal love triangle. I think they are the same person but ?????

    2. Miles is the brother's friend, and no triangle.

    3. This was different from her other series, because it's a contemporary, but it's still signature Hawkins. Daisy was very much a fierce and fiery female in the same way Sophie and Harper were. I immediately liked her.

  7. This one sounds cute. I hadn’t heard of it till now.

    1. It was cute, and there is a lot of fun satirical stuff in there too.

  8. I had read the synopsis a while back and wasn't sold on this but you make it sound so good that I may have to reconsider.

    1. It is very much in the same vein as Prince in Disguise. Tons of laughs and sweet heartwarming stuff too

  9. Yes!! I am so happy that you enjoyed Royals as well. I am not one to follow the real Royal family either, but I do agree that this book is fantastic and I saw a similar connection to Prince in Disguise as well. The setting is to die for! :)

    1. Yeah! I am glad you liked it too, and I really liked the way Hawkins incorporated the setting. I hate when a book is set somewhere, and we never get to "see" any of that place. She took us around and let us get to know Scotland a little, and I really enjoyed it.

  10. I am still holding out for that Hex Hall spinoff that she started before Rebel Belle was released, but I was very happy with Royals. I am hoping she explores more of the other characters in the book if this does turn into a series, because the wedding hasn't happened yet, and the prince's brother and sister could carry a book with all their drama and antics.

  11. I have this one to read very soon and this review is really getting me excited about it. I actually haven't read Hawkins yet but this sounds like a really charming story.

    1. All the other books I read by Hawkins were paranormals, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I simply adored this book. It was all fun, a little farce, and the banter kept my smiling.

  12. I am planning to read this, so thanks for your thoughts! I need fun and witty to wash down some recent and current dark reads so I think I found it.

    1. Then this book will be prefect! It's pure fun, super witty, and low drama. Which are all good things if you ask me.

  13. I had a totally different experience with this book lol. I didn't care for it sadly. I wasn't feeling the romance and felt it was super rushed at the end. I thought we were leaning towards a different pairing. Whoops. I'm happy you liked it though <3 Great review!!!

    1. I loved the pairing! I want another book so I can catch up with them. Sorry it didn't work for you.

  14. I love a fun and entertaining royals read from time to time. I think my favourite one is called Inconceivable. I love the sound of the humor being good in this one. I am going to have to check it out now. Thanks for the review x

    1. I just read the synopsis for Inconceivable on GR. The whole inability to produce an heir puts a bit of interesting drama in there.
