Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Series I Have Been Meaning To Start But Haven't

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is...

Top Ten Series I Have Been Meaning To Start But Haven't!

Kiersten's Picks

The Raven Cycle
Maggie Stiefvater
Publisher: Scholastic Press

Admittedly, the first time I heard about The Raven Boys a few years back I was not interested - the blurb just didn't grab me, so then I never read it. But after hearing more about the series and seeing Maggie Stiefvater on various book event panels, it has moved up my list of series to read. I ALMOST got to read it a few months ago after waiting for the first book at the elibrary, but there was a mishap with my card being expired and it still auto-checked-out the book. However, I got back on the waitlist again, and it is almost my turn!

Daughter of Smoke & Bone
Laini Taylor
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers

Looking at my TBR on Goodreads, the first book in this series is one of the first books I added to my shelves when I started my account, which is really sad because I've heard so many good things about this series.

Cynthia Hand
Publisher: HarperTeen

I think the reason I've yet to read this series (or at least the first book) is because somewhere in my head I told myself that I remembered seeing that the first book is 800 pages long, which is definitely not true, and I'm not sure where I came up with that. I haven't read any angel books in a while, so this seems like a great option!

The Winner's Trilogy
Marie Rutkoski
Publisher: Farrar Straus Giroux

Honestly, they're so pretty that I feel like it's reason enough to read them. Besides that, I've heard so many great things about this story, and I heard the love interest is swoony. Plus, it's dystopian, which is one of my favorite genres.

Susan Kaye Quinn
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

In my experience with Susan Kaye Quinn books, I have never been disappointed. From a book about mindreading to a "Bollypunk" fantasy romance, every story is so well executed. Which makes it even sillier that I haven't read this series yet despite having it!

Sam's Picks

As expected, this list is endless, but since I can only pick 5 to share, I had to come up some criteria for the selection process. I decided upon sifting through my list, that I will narrow it down to the series, which I have no excuse for not starting. These series have been fairly well received, and I own the first book in the series. It is my goal to be able to tell you in December, that I have read the first book in each of these five series.

Strange House Series
Kathleen Baldwin
Publisher: Tor Teen

I was lucky enough to win the first book in the series, and I was really excited to read it. Spies, boarding school, scientific inventions, romance -- this book has tons of interesting elements, which I would definitely enjoy. It also has a lot of great reviews. I really do want to read this, since it sounds great and I tend to enjoy historical fiction when I read it too.

Monsters of Verity Series
Victoria Schwab
Publisher: Greenwillow Books

I fell in love with Schwab's writing through the Shades of Magic books. I was really excited about this series when I first heard about it, and quickly added it to my TBR. Monsters and the fight between good and evil is so classic, and I know Schwab did an amazing job with it, because there are scads and scads of stellar reviews. I was so eager to read this, that I personally bought a copy of this book. Now, I must hang my head in shame for not reading it.

The Forgetting
Sharon Cameron
Publisher: Scholastic Press

I was so excited when I got this book at BEA last year. "What isn't written, isn't remembered. Even your crimes." This idea, that you have one day, when you can establish a clean slate or you can take total advantage and be as bad as you want to be. But there is one person, who remembers it all. Sounds great, right? I had every intention of reading it. I was doing a great job with the BEA books. I read at least 1 every week, but then Kiersten took some books to school, and you know, out of sight, out of mind.

Jennifer Echols
Publisher: Simon Pulse

This is another book I won in a giveaway. Now, I know what you are thinking. This is exactly the kind of book I would love. A cute, contemporary romance, which leans towards the fluffy side. It's my signature read. And Echols is an author, who is well liked. I deserve to be shamed for this one sitting unread.

The Fixer
Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens

I kept seeing reviews for this thriller popping up everywhere, and I like to read a good thriller every once in a while. The blurb talks about this girl, who is thrust into this world of politics and power, and becomes the one who "fixes" her peers' problems, but being the fixer gets Tess involved in something much bigger. Count. Me. In. Put it on the TBR, bought the book, and then...never read it.

What series have you been meaning to start?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I love the Stranje House series, can't wait to see what you think when you read them. And the Fixer series looks good too.

    I think the Daughter of Smoke & Bone covers are so distinctive.

    1. Stanje House is high on my list of books to read. I am hoping to make some real headway with review books, and do like a shelf-love week. The Fixer is well lauded, and would be a nice change of pace for me. Smoke & Bone is on my list too. Taylor is so well loved. Too many books, too little time.

  2. I put the Raven Cycle on my list as well. I've read Stiefvater's Wolves of Mercy Falls series and I really enjoyed her style.

    1. Maggie Stiefvater is such an interesting person that I can imagine her writing style would be equally interesting!

  3. Daughter of Smoke & Bone is definetly on my TBR list. I loved Strange the Dreamer so now I want more of her writing.

    1. I really want to read Strange the Dreamer as well! It sounds amazing, and I've heard a lot of great things.

  4. Read Daughter of Smoke and Bone already, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! In saying that, I still haven't read the last book. I think I'm still holding onto the series, I don't want to say goodbye to it yet (even though it's already been years I think). Great picks!

    Cass @ Words on Paper

    1. I know!! It's just one of those books I never ended up getting - I'll have to see if they have it on the elibrary. I'm that way with a lot of series too - I still haven't read the finale for Girl of Fire and Thorns, The Lynburn Legacy series, of The Heirs of Watson Island series.

  5. Does it make you feel any better to know that I haven't read any of these either?!


  6. I had the Fixer on my list too!! I would love to get to the Raven Cycle and The Forgetting. Great list!

    1. I am a fan of the Raven Cycle. It seems like a bunch of disparate parts, and then it all comes together and it's amazing.

  7. I have so much to say about this list! lol

    The Raven Boys I loved so much more than I ever expected. I never got a chance to return to the series though. Sigh. I have all the books so I think I need to reread the first and get through them all back to back. Daughter of Smoke and Bone, I was the same way you mentioned. I finally binge read them last year and they are definitely unique and good. Unearthly and the Winner's Trilogy were both amazing series I adored!

    I haven't read any of Schwab's books. *hides* But I really want to check out the Shades of Magic series and Monsters of Verity as well. I did love The Fixer. A lot. Kind of like a YA Scandal with surprises and secrets. I'm a little bummed there isn't another book coming.

    Great lists!

    1. I'm hoping to get to The Raven Boys soon! But yea, there are just so many books and so little time - it's hard to get to all of them even if you know they're amazing.

  8. Daughter of Smoke & Bone is so good and I really want to read The Raven Boys and anything by Schwab!

    1. Right? Schwab's a genius. I did read the Raven Cycle and it was a solid series. No regrets.

  9. The first four series that you have listed are all series that I've started but haven't yet finished. lol! I still need to read a few of the other series you listed as well. :)

    1. There are so many series that I've started but haven't finished yet, but that's a different prompt for a different day :')

  10. I have so many of these series on my tbr list as well. I don't know why I haven't read Daughter of Smoke and Bone, The Raven Boys, and so many more.

    1. Smoke and Bone is on my TBR too, but I have read the Raven Cycle -- loved it!

  11. I have to start the Raven Cycle too. I own book one as an eBook and audio. *hangs head*

    1. I highly recommend The Raven Cycle. I was really happy with the series.

  12. I need to read The Raven Boys series I have heard a lot of great things about it. It is high up on my to read list. I will need to check out these other series you have!

    1. I will keep singing the praises of the Raven Cycle. I loved the way the story was told, as well as the actual story. So good!

  13. I read Unearthly By Cynthia Hand when it had just released. I remember it being good, but I never followed up on it for some reason. There was a very interesting twist to the end, if I'm remembering correctly C:

    1. Oooh! I'll have to check it out. I think I have the ebook for the first book, so it's sad that it has not been read yet.

  14. Nice list! Outside of The Raven Cycle, I haven't heard of any of these. I'm discovering a lot of new books today.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. I love TTT, because I do tend to discover a lot of great books. Most of the reviews I see (and write) are for the bigger, hyped books. It's the memes that let me share the lesser known works.

  15. I really enjoyed the Raven Cycle series. It was a little slow at times, but I enjoyed the overall story. I also have the Superlatives series on my Top Ten list this week. I hope you enjoy all of these when you get around to them!!

    My TTT: http://jacquesbooknook.blogspot.com/2017/06/top-ten-tuesday-series-ive-been-meaning.html

    1. I consider myself a contemporary reader, so I really think I will enjoy the Superlatives once I start it.

  16. The Winner's Trilogy is on my list, too. I've heard such rave reviews about the series. I'm all about the romance so it has that going for it. LOL And I haven't read a dystopian book/series in so long.
    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    1. I feel like I haven't really read a new dystopian world in a long time either! I'll have to pick one up soon.

  17. Schwab is a must for me, because she blew me away with Shades of Magic.

  18. I've seen most of these around, but I haven't read a single one.

  19. You NEED to read The Raven Cycle - it's one of my all time favorite series! :) Thanks for visiting my blog earlier!

    1. I definitely will soon! Just waiting for it to be my turn at the library :)

  20. The Raven Cycle SHOULD have been on my list since I own one of the books, but the thing got so ridiculously long that I eventually gave up! LOL! I'm hopeless when it comes to series. I listened to Daughter of Smoke and Bone on audiobook not all that long ago and really loved it, and I just finished the Winner's Trilogy yesterday (also great!).

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I have a lot of trouble lately with committing to series, so I either read the first book when it comes out and then forget, or I just don't want to commit because it's a lot of work :'D

  21. I read the first of The Raven Cycle as an audiobook, but I just didn't get the appeal and am debating on whether or not I should try the second - perhaps reading the copy rather than listening might be a better experience for me? I hope you enjoy it better than I do when you get around to reading it, Kiersten. ^^

    The Winner's Trilogy is a gorgeous read - I hope you get to read it soon, Sam! ^^

    Sophia @ Bookwyrming Thoughts

    1. I know, I am terrible. We went to the Fierce Reads tour for The Winner's Curse and I was really excited to read it, but here' the thing -- I am more likely to read a book if I have it on my Kindle. I am slow to get to my physical books, but they have all of them on Overdrive now. So, maybe soon.

  22. The Superlatives series looks SO CUTE!! Also, THE FORGETTING is totally on my list this week. I've heard good things and I LOVE THOSE COVERS!! AND The Raven Boys-- just do it!!

    1. I did read the Raven Cycle, and I am a fan. I have so many review books for the summer, but when it slows down, I hope to at least start my five series.

  23. I like the Fixer duology, but I'm so so so bitter that it's only a duology. I ended up falling in love with the characters more than I ever expected to. The Winner's Trilogy is one of my favorites. I love that the protagonist gets to be strong in a different kind of way than we are used to seeing in YA fantasy. The only weapon she wields is her head and it's the only one she needs.

    1. You are not alone in wanting more Fixer books. I think I heard it from two other bloggers recently. The Winner's Trilogy has been so lauded. You would think I would giddy up on these books, because I suffer from FOMO when it comes to books. =D

  24. I've got to finish The Daughter of Smoke and Bone series, too! Read and loved the first book four or five years ago, but for whatever reason I never carried on with it. I'm also hoping to read the Stranje House books soon, and I want to read more by Jennifer Lynn Barnes as well. Her series The Naturals sounds awesome.

    1. I was eyeing the Naturals. I saw it on Hoopla, and it looks really good. I know in December, I will want to do a round up and see if I actually read any of these.

  25. I loved the Daughter of Smoke & Bone, it's still my favourite fantasy series.Monsters of Verity is on My TTT too.

    1. S&B was Kiersten's pick, but it's on my too. I really need to check out something of Taylor's, because she is so well loved. Let's hope you and me both get to MoV before the end of the year.

  26. The Raven Cycle is so good, I hope you enjoy it! I'm hoping to get to Daughter of Smoke and Bone this summer. I've had The Winner's trilogy on my TBR for ages, but I've never got around to reading it! I liked This Savage Song, not as much as the Shades of Magic books but I'm still looking forward to reading the sequel. I've been meaning to start The Fixer books for ages too.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/06/20/top-ten-tuesday-112/

    1. I've heard so many good things about The Raven Cycle that I'm just dying to read it at this point x_x

  27. The Forgetting and the Winner's Trilogy are both on my list! The Raven Cycle doesn't sound like one I would like, but it is Maggie Stiefvater,and as soon as I pick up any of her books, I immediately wonder what took me so long to start! :-) The Stranje House series is really good as well.

    1. That's what I thought about The Raven Cycle too! I feel like The Raven Boys description ends up being way different than what's actually in the book, based on some of the fan musings I've seen around.

  28. A lot of these books are on my TBR list. I have a friend who’s obsessed with The Forgetting novels. I keep telling her I’ll read them, but of course I haven’t. There are just too many books!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. That's the problem when we want to read all the books. =)
      I am more likely to read the book if I can get it on OverDrive/Hoopla or if I have an ebook copy of it. I often neglect my physical copies, because they are too cumbersome to read during my commute.

  29. Ooh I love the Unearthly series! But I haven't read any of the others!! I've read The Winners Curse, and desperately need to read the sequels. I'm just not that interested in the Superlatives trilogy. I haven't loved anything she's written, and I'd rather just read other contemporaries. :) Great list! I'll be looking up some of these series you've mentioned. :)

    1. I've heard great things about Unearthly and The Winner's Curse, so I'm excited to read those at some point! I'm glad you discovered some more series you're interested in!
