For my City of Glass post, I'll be showing you all my favorite fan-art of scenes from the book!
First, this glorious bit. I absolutely love love these two quotes. Jace's character never stops being heartbreaking but when he opens up to Clary, it's quite mesmerizing how much pain he can expound. It is in CoG that Clace really starts to pick up, reaching a climax where Jace has a bit of Herondale self-hatred, and settles into the deep love that the two of them share and ugh it's so precious. Of the first image: I'm quite awed by the color choice. Instead of Jace's leonine gold, there are shades of soft, soft blue in a deep red velvet, which I take to mean his pained heart. It's vulnerable and beautiful. The second image exemplifies the depth of Jace's words with a vivid image of again, something vulnerable and soft, but this time timeless: an old couple holding hands. Come on that's just brilliant.
(Source: and respectively.)
Spoiler alert: Max dies. Max dies and it's abhorrent. Up until that point, Sebastian didn't seem much of a threat, just an annoying, vaguely bad-ish guy. Furthermore no one really important (to my heart) had died (sorry losers). It's also at this point where Isabelle starts to come to live, and the effect is quite amazing because Alec, Jace, and Magnus start to shed their skins as well. I love you Max. Also holy crap the image for this Max is SPOT THE FRAK ON. LOOK AT THE FACES IN HIS SHIRTS, LOOK AT HIS FAMILY, LOOK AT THOSE INNOCENT EYES AND THAT VAGUELY PERCY-JACKSON-Y HAIR. LOOK AT THAT PERFECT LITTLE (dead) BOY.
Damn look at this Jace. Damn look at dat jacket. Damn LOOK AT CLARY'S FRECKLES SO MANY PEOPLE IGNORE HER FRECKLES AND HER CURLY HAIR AND NAME OF THE ANGEL HE HOLDS HER SO PERFECTLY. It's no secret that Cassie Clare likes to write Clace smut, and it's no secret that we like to read Clace smut, but I think this picture really captures the tension between the pair during the crazy, crazy events of CoG. It's nowhere NEAR the sexy scenes in the fifth book though.

(Source: Sillywilly13 at deviantART)
If you'd like a few more images, I suggest a starting point:
Also, here's a kickin' trailer for City of Glass!
- Marlon
What are your favorite City of Glass fan-arts or fanfics?
Let us know in the comments!
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